Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 1, Cooler 1

Weight: 156


Chest: 40.5 inches
Waist: 40.5 inches
Hips: 40 inches
Right Thigh: 22.5 inches
Left Thigh: 22.5 inches
Right Arm;
relaxed-11 inches
flexed-11.5 inches
Left Arm;
relaxed-11 inches
flexed-11.75 inches
Right Calf: 13.5 inches
Left Calf: 13.75 inches

Quote of the day: "The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving." ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

Today I started The Eat Clean Diet. My day was not what I had envisioned. I woke up with the worst headache I've had in months! For a brief moment I thought maybe I should start my diet and blog tomorrow. Then I said, NO! You planned for this and your gonna do it. So I did. I had planned to follow Cooler 1 exactly as it is in the book, even though Tosca says its just a guideline. I bought everything for it at the Grocery store yesterday. I even ventured out to the fish market and bought a Tuna loin, which I will be eating for lunch on day 7. Not looking forward to that! Anyway, I was under the impression that my freezer was stocked with chicken and I was WRONG! When I opened it to pull out the chicken I intended to bake for my morning snack and for my lunch there was none. Uh oh!!! My daughter Tera was down for a nap which meant I wasn't running out to buy chicken anytime soon. So I had to compromise and used canned Tuna for my snack and lunch. I went to the grocery store tonight though and finished my meat shopping, so that shouldn't be happening again. Here is what my menu looked like today.

Breakfast: 16 oz glass of water with 1 lemon squeezed into it. Followed by another 16 oz glass  of
                  water to accompany my meal.
                  4 egg whites, 1/2 cup of Oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of bee pollen, and 1 tablespoon of ground

Snack: Canned Tuna & steamed green beans
             32 oz of water

Lunch: Canned Tuna, Romaine lettuce topped with bean sprouts and lemon juice, and a sweet potatoe
             32 oz of water

Snack: Protein powder mixed with water & one whole pear
            32oz of water

Dinner: Baked Cod, Sweet potatoe, Bok choy
             32 oz of water

There are a few thing I'd like to add about my meals today. First of all, you may be wondering about my portion size. There's no need for weighing or measure things on this diet. Here are a few simple rules.

Portions of Protein:  You should be eating six serving of protein each day. A proper portion of meat or other protein is measured by what can fit in the palm of your hand.

Starchy complex carbohydrates: (example; sweet potatoe) You should eat two to four servings of complex carbohydrates from whole grains or other starchy-carb sources each day. A proper portion of these complex carbohydrates is measured by what you can fit in one cupped hand.

Carbs from fruits & vegetables: You should be eating from four to six servings of fresh produce each day. A proper portion of complex carbohydrates from fresh produce is measured by what you can fit into two cupped hands.

There you have it!

Also I wanted to talk about the protein powder I use. In Tosca's book a few people have asked "What brand of protein powder do you use and/or recommend?" To this question I felt the response was to vague. She never actually stated the brand she uses.

I went out on a protein powder hunt one day. Believe it or not it is hard to find a protein powder that DOES NOT have sugar in it. I finally found a wonderful protein powder that I felt was perfect for this diet. The company that makes it is called garden of life. The product "raw protein". Which I think is actually quite pleasant when mixed with water. It has a sort of nutty flavor. All the other protein powders I had tried I had to choked down. Literally. Needless to say I am happy I found this one. Here are the ingredients that are in this delightful product.

Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein, Organic Araranth Sprout, Organic Quinoa Sprout, Organic Millet Sprout, Organic Buckwheat Sprout, Organic Garbanzo Sprout, Organic Lentil Sprout, Organic Adzuki Bean Sprout, Organic Flaxseed Sprout, Organic Sunflower Seed Sprout, Organic Pumpkin Seed Sprout, Organic Chia Seed Sprout, Organic Seasame Seed Sprout.

Its also Vegan, Dairy free, Gluten free, and has no soy allergens.

I hope your not all bored to death right now. Thank you so much for all your support. I look forward to tomorrow.

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